Friday, January 30, 2009


So one of the good things that's come out of me being on this new diet is that I'm eating a lot more vegetables now. I actually really love vegetables. I was raised on a farm. One of my favorite things in the world is fresh green beans with home grown tomatoes. But for the past few years I haven't really eaten that many vegetables... unless I got the chicken and broccoli at the Chinese take out.

I am so done with fast food. I don't miss it at all.

I eat so many vegetables now. I was actually upset yesterday because Walmart had run out of squash and zucchini. I was looking forward to eating them all day... and now I'm looking up recipes for eggplant and spaghetti squash.

I'm cooking everday. I really missed cooking. I used to have large dinner parties every week. I'm actually a good cook. Of course, I'm having to get more creative now that my diet is so restricted... but that's cool. I like a challenge. I might try stuffed peppers too.

I checked out smaller pants yesterday. And I got a smaller belt. I'm looking forward to when I can check out even smaller pants. Hopefully by the end of February.

In other news... My friend Jenny is in Orlando. We're supposed to hang out on Monday. I want to meet Tinkerbell so I'm making her go with me. And my friend, Tracy, is visiting me from back home in about two weeks. It'll be the first time I've seen her since June. I'm going to take her and her year-old daughter, Brooke, to Disney. I'm so excited! But I'm trying to figure out just what kinds of attractions/shows would be appropriate.

I am going to try to see Wicked. It's coming to Jacksonville soon. I've been listening to the soundtrack on a loop for weeks. Anyway, Nate wants to go. I might even get Greg to come with too. That would fun.

I talked to Greg today on the phone. The ImagiNations thing fell thru but we had a long conversation about the future. We're both applying to lots of internships including the Page program with NBC and other recent grad type things at other TV places. I'd like to work for ABC if I end up working in TV but right now I'll take what I can get. I'm so scared about the economy and not being able to find a job. He's thinking about grad school. I've been thinking about going back to school to wait out the crisis (even going so far as to tour a few schools and request a lot of catalogs). I just can't go further into debt right now.

Where's the rich relative I didn't know that I had who dies and leaves me a million dollars in his will? Perhaps I should play the lottery. I just don't see me being able to pay on all of these student loans when my deferments are up...

Okay... now the Disney news. I have so much to do this month. I have a list of like ten people that I want to get meet and greets with. And I just signed up for two College Program classes. One of them starts Tuesday.

The Sorcerer Hat at the Studios still isn't finished. I'm hoping they have it done soon. There's supposed to be a big premiere thing for the American Idol Experience. Apparently David Cook is supposed to be coming back to shoot a video for Good Morning America. Maybe I'll get to see him this time. I'm still mad that I missed him by like 5 minutes the last time. At the very least, I'd like to go to the parade he's supposed to be in.

They had a full parade today. Apparently all the rain we had the other day made the paint fumes bearable. But the HSM kids are still on the Streets of America... I might just have to go see them if they don't come back to Hollywood Boulevard soon. I've been listening to the HSM 3 soundtrack every morning to hold myself over.

It makes me sad that the new CPs aren't HSM lovers. I made a joke about HSM the other day and none of them got it. Also, they don't treat me like one of them. The full timers still treat me like a "college kid" but the CPs mostly ignore me or look at me weird. It's sad. I was so used to having other CPs to bond with when the full timers treated us like crap. I even offered one of them a ride home earlier (she lived in Chatham too and had missed the bus) but she refused. She ended up getting a ride with someone else who had to go out of their way to drop her off at Chatham. So I've decided I'm not going to offer any of them rides anymore. Let them wait for the bus and sit at Pop Century for 20 minutes. No worries here.

Oh and I finally got some recognition for my plush wall skills. I didn't get an assignment tonight and the person assigned to plush didn't finish it so I went over to finish it and made it look all pretty. The managers were pleased and said they'd put me on plush more often. Karen said it looked as good as the plush walls at Magic Kingdom.

Oh and I haven't heard from Magic of Animation yet. Karen (the new manager) suggested that I email them again. So I'm going to do that tomorrow.


  1. i'm so excited that you get to see jenny!! i am sure you two will have a blast.
    i'm sorry the new cps are no fun (i get what you are saying about the full timers and new cps... bc you prob know more then both groups.)
    they will soon realize that the bus sucks and they should always take the ride. (i was the same way when i started thoug)
    miss you.

    ps. i listen to hsm 3 everyday. i get funny looks each time i do W-I-L-D.

  2. Kelsey has me liking HSM too. Well if I was there I would treat you nice. I would never ride the bus. Things will get better for you.
